Man leaping in red hoodie
Man leaping in red hoodie

Why Mail?

Mail plays a unique and compelling role in today’s marketing mix. It’s a tried, tested and trusted performer that drives measurable change in consumer behaviour. In an increasingly digital world, mail remains as resilient and relevant as ever.

Don’t miss Mail Unleashed

The series where we hear from top CMOs about their personal and professional experiences of direct mail campaigns, hosted by advertising legend Rory Sutherland. Each episode reveals just how direct mail adds value as a communication channel to meet the goals and objectives of brands, shows examples in the form of best-in-class case studies and demonstrates how to effectively integrate mail into your business. Watch full episodes here.

The channel that delivers

Both consumers and advertisers have multiple reasons to trust in mail. It’s engaging and effective. It’s single-mindedly commercial and yet it can tell complex stories.

Mail continues to evolve and adapt to changing times. In an increasingly online world it hasn’t just survived – it’s thrived. Digital fatigue and privacy concerns are issues that aren’t going anywhere, and here the very physicality of mail has proven to be its greatest advantage to marketers.

Deliver strong commercial results

Campaigns with mail in the mix are 52% more likely to report ROI benefits

Mail delivers meaningful commercial results

A whopping 95% of mail is engaged with

People engage with mail like no other communication channel

Over 30m UK households can be reached using mail

Take your pick of 32 million households

87% describe mail as believable

Mail is a highly trusted communication channel

Why Mail is effective

Mail cuts through

The tangibility of mail is key to its effectiveness. Mail stays in the home and build powerful customer relationships.
Why mail cuts through

Mail is trusted

In uncertain times, consumers continue to have confidence in mail. It’s trusted and believed among all age groups.
The importance of trust in media

Innovation in direct mail

Innovation in mail and its seamless integration with digital is improving customer experience and creating huge opportunities for marketers.
Innovation in direct mail

Mail works at every stage

Whatever your objectives, mail makes a vital contribution. It’s the perfect channel for both activation and brand-building strategies.
Mail in the customer journey

Mail is measurable

Testing has always been at the heart of mail’s appeal. And technology is making it easier than ever to optimise performance.
Mail measurement and attribution

Mail drives results

Response is at the heart of mail’s appeal. It’s a channel that’s noticed and acted upon. It also is the inspiration behind many online journeys.
See revenue soar

Mail can be a sustainable choice

We know mail is effective at driving a 95% engagement rate, but how does it stack up environmentally? Mail can be part of a sustainable, circular economy. By understanding its entire life cycle, we can make better, more informed decisions that can significantly reduce our impact on the planet.

Find out more

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