
Retargeting with programmatic mail drove substantial uplift in sales.
Benefit brochure


Leading women’s cosmetics brand, Benefit, teamed up with Paperplanes and Royal Mail MarketReach to implement a Programmatic Mail campaign focused on increasing online sales conversions.

The beauty brand had noted a high volume of visitors who were only browsing products online, opening up an opportunity for them to target customers when they engaged but did not purchase.

With a growing range of eyebrow products being added to the product range, the cosmetic company wanted to focus specifically on increasing conversions within their eyebrow range.



Paperplanes teamed up with Benefit to programmatically trigger personalised letters to be sent to customers that browsed the eyebrow product section of the website, but didn't make a purchase.

The letters were designed to encourage customers to complete a purchase on the specific product they viewed, promoting free delivery for the customer to strengthen conversions. Unique shipping codes were applied to each individualised letter to track and monitor performance.

The creative comprised of a double sided, full colour print A4 letter and a full colour C5 envelope with elements of personalisation across both to enable maximum impact with the customer on delivery as well as brand recognition and awareness.


Mid campaign results have already revealed a 37% uplift in sales of eyebrow products online with an average customer value of over £40. Results from the campaign also revealed that engagement levels had risen to over 28%.


Source: Paper Planes

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