
Crimestoppers used interactive mail to highlight danger around cannabis farms.
Crimestoppers leaflet


Evidence indicated the majority of cannabis farms were linked to "organised crime“, bringing violence and crime to communities.  Crimestoppers needed to reach residents where the cannabis farms were likely to be.


A highly targeted mail campaign was created.  13 regional UK police forces identified key urban areas and supplied 220,000 addresses. 

A scratch and sniff mailer was created, replicating the distinctive smell of cannabis plants to grab attention.


The bureau reported a 63.2% increase in legitimate reports 14 days after campaign launch. Calls to the bureau increased by 32% during launch week.

The Metropolitan Police raided and closed 34 cannabis farms, made 387 arrests and seized plants with an estimated street value of £2.1m.


Source: Crimestoppers, Design Business Association Bronze Design Effectiveness Awards

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