Fred Olsen Cruise Lines

Building branding and bookings sales through door dropping targeted brochures.
Fred Olsen Cruise Lines Brochure


Fred Olsen wanted to raise awareness of their brand and stimulate booking amongst a discerning 55+ audience during the peak bookings window.


Using propensity modelling and drive time analysis, Fred Olsen were able to identify the most receptive postcodes within a 90 minute catchment area for each of their 7 ports.

Two, full colour brochures were door dropped in three bursts to connect households with the Fred Olsen brand multiple times across the peak booking season. A prize draw offer drove customers online or to a UK call centre to book.


By combining targeting expertise, standout creative and delivery at relevant timings, Fred Olsen achieved a 107% increase in bookings at a ROMI of 1.87.

Direct bookings – delivering greater revenue and profit - increased by 34% too.


Source: Fred Olsen Cruise Lines - DMA Award Entry

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