Milk & More

A test and learn approach bought more insight for milk and more
Milk and More Brochure


Online artesian grocery retailer Milk & More started delving into door drops late in 2022, achieving significant success in acquisitions. Additionally, by verifiably carbon offsetting their door drops, Milk & More is actively contributing to their campaign against single-use plastics—Viva la Refill Revolution!

The aim was to build on the success of the initial door drops by testing new creative formats.


Milk & More worked with their partner Leafletdrop to develop a strategic plan that involved testing to identify the right customers to target and the best way to engage them to respond.

The first step was to develop a targeted decile model covering the areas in which Milk & More are currently active or opening into in the near future. The process involved selecting the top-ranking sectors by analysing existing customer data and leveraging the expertise of Leafletdrop’s Insight and Planning team to identify sectors with the most robust lookalike audience in terms of Mosaic types.

With the plan in action to target top households around ten key distribution hubs, a robust creative testing approach was developed. 

Although initial tests of an A5 2pp item achieved remarkable successes, Milk & More believed that to truly be the cream of the crop they needed to add a dash of creative juice to their door drops and also highlight their refill strategy. From this, the idea of a fridge shaped creative was born, aiming to convey the experience of opening your fridge to a variety of home delivered fresh produce and show people what they were missing out on. It had the space to inspire people with Milk & More’s product range as well as talk about how the customer could reduce plastic through the refill of their products. 

This door drop was then further developed to support a major partnership launch which had the potential to really be a game changer in the grocery delivery market. The output was a 6pp gate-folded item, designed as the front door to a home with the delivery on the shelves inside. This was another strategy to build FOMO in potential customers, giving them a taste of products offered by Milk & More. Both the fridge and door creatives emphasised the convenience of using Milk & More - after all, what could be easier than opening your door to your groceries, single-use plastic free, instead of traipsing around a characterless supermarket?

The two creatives were a huge success, producing strong results but Milk & More feel that they could make an even stronger impact. So, the next test was a more complex bottle shaped creative that involved more complex design and printing that would hopefully have even greater impact.


Using a test and learn approach to their door drops, Milk & More built a wealth of insight and learnings to take into the future as well as acquiring valuable new customers.

All creatives performed well and delivered positive ROI’s.  Whilst the bottle shaped creative struggled to cut through as much as hoped given the eye-catching bespoke design, the pantry and fridge designs performed very strongly. ROI varied from 26% lifetime value (bottle creative) to 488% (pantry) to as high as 3489% for the fridge, showing that a simple die cut option can catch the eye as much as something more bespoke. With CPA's varying from £546 down to £19.20 across the campaigns,

Milk & More have not only made valuable learnings for future strategies but have also built their customer base out further in key target areas.  Working with Lettershop they aim to refine their decile model further to continue to identify and target their ideal customers.


Source: DMA Award Entry 2023, Best use of Unaddressed Mail

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